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Chiropractic Care for a Herniated Disc

Written By Smith Chiropractic on October 12, 2022

man with back pain

If you’re suffering from chronic or recurring symptoms of a herniated disc and can no longer work, sleep, or participate in activities you enjoy, it’s time to seek treatment. Dr. Jacobson of Smith Chiropractic in Colorado Springs can quickly diagnose and recommend a safe, non-invasive herniated disc treatment plan. Some of the most effective chiropractic herniated disc treatment options include:

Spinal Manipulation

Spinal manipulation is the least invasive treatment method for a herniated disc. Dr. Jacobson will use his hands or a small instrument to manually shift and realign your spine. This can shift the spine back into place, causing a herniated disc to retract and take pressure off of your sciatic nerve. Spinal manipulation is usually painless and doesn’t have any negative side effects, though it may take a series of treatments over weeks or months to see improvement. Dr. Jacobson may recommend spinal manipulation along with other chiropractic treatments for best results. 

Spinal Decompression Therapy

Spinal decompression therapy is a common treatment for a herniated disc. During spinal decompression therapy, you lie on a motorized traction table that Dr. Jacobson can control using a computer. The table slowly and gently stretches your spine, allowing it to shift back into alignment. Each treatment only takes 15-20 minutes, and you can remain fully clothed the entire time. You can go back to your normal day after treatment, with no recovery period or downtime. Like spinal manipulation, you may need more than one treatment to see results. 

Physical Therapy and Exercise

In addition to chiropractic care, Dr. Jacobson may recommend that you undergo physical therapy and that you follow a specific exercise routine at home. This will increase the strength of the muscles that support your back, making it easier and less painful for you to sit, stand, and walk. Therapeutic exercise can also improve blood flow and reduce inflammation, as well as improve flexibility and mobility. All of these benefits improve your chances of getting back on your feet as soon as possible. 

If You Think You Have a Herniated Disc, Come See Us Today

If you’ve noticed signs and symptoms of a herniated disc, come visit us at Smith Chiropractic for diagnosis and herniated disc treatment in Colorado Springs. Our chiropractor, Dr. Jacobson, has been treating patients for 14 years, and our practice has been providing reliable, effective holistic healthcare to the community since 1991. Dr. Jacobson specializes in the McKenzie method and offers spinal decompression and chiropractic care for herniated discs.

To learn more, call us today at (719) 390-5404 to schedule an appointment.

Posted In: Back Pain Treatment Spinal Decompression Physical Therapy Chiropractic Herniated Discs